Dakota Pet Hospital offers our Client Survey online so you can complete it in the convenience of your own home or office. Our mission is to maintain a dedicated, caring and knowledgeable team committed to providing exceptional client service and Veterinary Health Care. We strive toward this excellence through continuing education, technical advances and compassionate care for all pets entrusted to us.

You can help us reach and maintain this level of service by sharing your veterinary needs and expectations. By completing this Client Survey, you will be a part of our team meetings and be assured that your comments will be discussed and acted upon. To launch the Client Survey, please click below.

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  • Why is My Dog Vomiting?

    Even healthy dogs vomit from time to time. Find out what causes the common health problem.

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  • Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

    There are an increasing number of cases of dogs getting sick from ingesting a common sugar substitute, xylitol. This substance causes no problems in people, but in dogs it can cause wild fluctuations in blood sugar, often leading to a severe hypoglycemia. It can also cause liver failure. Xylitol is

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  • Xylitol Food Additive Harmful to Household Pets

    People love sweets and so do many dogs. In fact, some dogs love their family's sweet treats and sneak bites of it when the humans aren't looking. You or your children probably also share goodies with your family pet. Many sweets are made with the substance called xylitol. Xylitol is used to manufacture

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  • The Truth behind K-9's and Chocolate

    We have all heard people say things such as "Don't give your dog chocolate, it will kill him!" or "Even a small amount of chocolate will kill a dog." Fortunately for all cabinet opening dogs out there, the truth to the chocolate rumors lies somewhere between the chilling truth in the refrigerator and

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  • Rabies- Not a Disease of the Past

    Did you ever think that your pet's rabies vaccination wasn't all that important? Did you know that if your cat or dog is not current on its rabies vaccination, and a stray or wild animal bites your pet, the County Health Department can, and will, demand that the pet be euthanized or strictly quarantined

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  • Pretty Poisonous Plants

    We all enjoy flowers, whether in a vase in our house or in our gardens. We enjoy the multitude of bright colors and the fragrant odor they give us. But there can be a dangerous aspect to some of our favorite plants. The list of poisonous plants is very long, but this will give you information about some

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  • Plants That Are Poisonous to Pets

    Pets are incredibly curious creatures who are not above snacking on anything that interests them. When that snack is a plant, problems can occur. Many plants are poisonous if eaten and can cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to death. Below is a list of some of the most common plants that sicken

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  • Marijuana Toxicity in Pets

    Imagine your concern if you came home to find your dog unable to walk, unresponsive, or in a coma. This is becoming more common as marijuana begins to lose its illicit status, at least in some areas of the world. As the decriminalization and even legalization of marijuana has occurred, cases of toxicity

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  • Make Your House Pet Friendly

    Keeping your house pet friendly is critical to the health and wellness of your pets. Just what does pet friendly mean? A pet friendly house is a sheltered location for an animal to live, play and relax that is clean, safe, free from hazards and toxic materials. Most pets share house space with their

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  • Keeping Pets Safe from Being Lost

    An estimated one third of all pets will become lost at some point in their life. Reasons for pets becoming lost include everything from a loose gate to breaking free from a leash. With so many possible ways for a pet to become lost, it is important to follow some simple safety procedures. Dog Tags (Identification

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  • Hidden Dangers of Over-the-Counter Medications

    There are many medications available over the counter (OTC) at pharmacies and grocery stores that we consider to be safe, their use to be routine. We don’t think twice about picking up medications to help with pain or flu symptoms. What many people don’t consider is that these same medications can

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  • Dangers of Rodent Bait

    There are several general classifications of rodent poison (rodenticide) available over the counter. The most common is one that prevents blood clotting called an anticoagulant; D- con being the most easily recognized in light of the recent bans on second generation anticoagulant rodenticides. Anticoagulant

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  • Can PBDEs Harm Your Pet?

    The Environmental Protection Agency indicates that polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have a negative impact on your health and environment. These chemicals in your home environment may be causing harm to your pet without your knowledge. In the body, PBDEs are found in breast milk, blood and the

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  • Calcium is Not Always Good

    When examining a blood panel, a veterinarian may report to the owner that a pet has hypercalcemia, which is an elevated level of calcium in the blood. The owner often then wonders if there is too much calcium in the pet's food or in the vitamins or supplements the pet is taking. Ingesting calcium in

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  • At Risk for Rat Bite Fever?

    Rats have made numerous appearances on the screen and the page as you've watched theater movies with your children, read popular children's books or relaxed while checking out family films with your home's technology system. Movies have made the rodents popular in the world of children. Popular children's

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  • The Most Expensive Dog Breeds

    It is well known that each breed of dog tends to have certain health problems more common to that breed. This is probably due to genetics. As canine DNA is studied, it is hoped that we can eventually develop genetic tests for early detection and possible prevention of these diseases. In the meantime,

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Dakota Pet Hospital

20136 Icenic Trail Lakeville, MN 55044 **For Afterhour Emergencies, Contact South Metro Animal Emergency Care at 952-953-3737**